Our app is designed to give you the best experience
Our app is designed to give you the best experience
Affinity Christian Ministries is a non-denominational, Bible believing, Christian e-ministry comprised of people from all over the world, spiritually and socially connected through our digital platform.
With our app, you’ll be able to start your morning with the Bible verse for the day, watch ACM messages that make you Bible smart, access a digital Bible, take notes, share with your friends and family, links to Christian music, links to Christian news, submit prayer requests, give tithes-offerings-donations to help us grow and bless others, view upcoming events, hear powerful testimonies, view other ministries, find Christian businesses, be inspired, and more!
Affinity is designed to be a supplement to your local church, and help you fulfill your duty of sharing your faith and showing others the road to salvation. Sharing your faith and hearing God's word will never be more welcoming or easier than this…just share the app! Affinity brings God's message to the palm of your hand on demand.
When you share the Affinity app, you can confidently tell your friends and family that you’re a member of a Christian Ministry. After all, the people are the ministry, not the building, and wherever you seek God, he is there.
Christians are part of something greater than brick and mortar. You are witnessing a paradigm shift in how people are ministered to. Be a part of the movement and share Affinity Christian Ministries today.
It's already here...began in the 60's...will the rapture save you? You'll know for sure after watching this video!
Learn to discern with this scripture-packed lesson that covers Idolatry, False Teachers, False Prophets, The Rapture, Marriage, Divorce, Homosexuality, Death, The Resurrections, and Sheol.
Not only does the Pre-Tribulation Rapture have ZERO scriptural support, but it is also a perfect setup for the worship and acceptance of the Antichrist/Man of Sin/Son of Perdition as the "Messiah".
GIANTS ARE REAL: Masen Wise presents on the Nephilim (Giants) and their origins within the Bible as well as Norse, Greek, and Native American traditions.
A special thanks goes out to the Fourth Watch Team for allowing us to use their content! Please support them by checking out the following links:
Website: fourthwatchfilms.com/
Vimeo: vimeo.com/ondemand/hollowearth
Original YouTube Video: youtu.be/gT4L9C0aa5E
Flood evidence, inter-dimensional gateways, ancient spacecraft, levitating megalithic structures with trumpets and whistles? Oh, and the Vatican loves L.U.C.I.F.E.R.
Hydroplate Theory: creationscience.com/
Acoustic Manipulation [Acoustic Levitation]: youtube.com/watch?v=odJxJRAxdFU&t=27s
Mt. Graham Vatican Observatory: youtube.com/watch?v=WD-qNmi2T20&t=34s
Biblical post-flood mentions of giants, demons, UFO's, and Jesus beats up "aliens".
It would be a blessing to be invited to speak at your church or conference.
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